May 2013
SB763, Senator Watson: Relating to motorcycle training and the license requirements for a three-wheeled motorcycle; creating an offense. Bill language
TMRA2 Update: Still waiting for the bill to go through local and consent.
HB2279 Rep. Phillips: Companion to SB763–he may be amending the bill to include his passenger bill. Relating to motorcycle training and the license requirements for a three-wheeled motorcycle; creating an offense. Bill language
TMRA2 update: The bill has been left pending in committee on the house side and may be amended by Rep. Phillips office to include the language in his passenger bill.
HB3838 Rep. Phillips: Motorcycle passenger bill: Relating to the regulation of motorcycles and motorcycle operators. Bill language
TMRA2 Update: Referred to transportation
SB1515 Senator Ellis: Bicycle bill: Relating to the operation of a motor vehicle in the vicinity of an unprotected road user; providing penalties. Bill language
TMRA2 Update: As of 5-13-13 this bill is dragging. We spoke to Tina in Senator Ellis office and told her we support this bill and will be testifying on it as soon as the senate sets a hearing. She was very happy we are on board. The bill provides for an increase in penalty to anyone who injures or kills an “Unprotected Road User”. The definition of “who” is an unprotected road user was amended this session from last session to include everyone using the road. This makes the bill much more likely to pass since it doesn’t just cover a “protected class of citizens” which we all know Rick Perry will not sign bills for protected classes of citizens.

TMRA2 Update: Still waiting for the bill to go through local and consent.
HB2279 Rep. Phillips: Companion to SB763–he may be amending the bill to include his passenger bill. Relating to motorcycle training and the license requirements for a three-wheeled motorcycle; creating an offense. Bill language
TMRA2 update: The bill has been left pending in committee on the house side and may be amended by Rep. Phillips office to include the language in his passenger bill.
HB3838 Rep. Phillips: Motorcycle passenger bill: Relating to the regulation of motorcycles and motorcycle operators. Bill language
TMRA2 Update: Referred to transportation
SB1515 Senator Ellis: Bicycle bill: Relating to the operation of a motor vehicle in the vicinity of an unprotected road user; providing penalties. Bill language
TMRA2 Update: As of 5-13-13 this bill is dragging. We spoke to Tina in Senator Ellis office and told her we support this bill and will be testifying on it as soon as the senate sets a hearing. She was very happy we are on board. The bill provides for an increase in penalty to anyone who injures or kills an “Unprotected Road User”. The definition of “who” is an unprotected road user was amended this session from last session to include everyone using the road. This makes the bill much more likely to pass since it doesn’t just cover a “protected class of citizens” which we all know Rick Perry will not sign bills for protected classes of citizens.
NCOM Biker NEWSBYTES - April 2013 - by Bill Bish

Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)
On April 15, Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) circulated a “Dear Colleague” letter to fellow members of Congress to garner sponsors for legislation he intends to introduce on May 6, 2013 “To stop motorcycle checkpoint funding.”
“In the 112th Congress, I introduced H.R. 904, a bill to prohibit the Department of Transportation (DOT) from providing funds to state and local authorities for the purpose of creating motorcycle only checkpoints,” wrote Rep. Sensenbrenner to his peers. “Section 1 of the Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act contains the same language as H.R. 904. However, this bill also contains language to force the DOT to focus motorcycle safety efforts on crash prevention programs, not national helmet mandates.” Read More...